The home of Sticky Dicks Honey Products LLC is nestled on the edge of Tug Hill, an area well-known for its rich, sweet honey.

Mark’s interest in beekeeping began after learning about the vanishing honeybee population and becoming concerned about their survival. Wanting to be part of the solution, he started his apiary in 2017.

What began as a weekend hobby quickly became his passion.  He is often found after hours researching everything and anything to do with the science of beekeeping.  His love of nature is reflected in every step of the beekeeping and honey extraction process. He maintains his beeyard with the help and support of family.

Mark’s dedication to beekeeping and his wife Shanie’s interest in all things creative has translated into a wide range of honey and beeswax products available for sale. 

Find us at the Farmer’s Market, Festivals, Fairs and area establishments dedicated to the local artisan.

Who we are